You have to warn others not to push the button. You can stop it by NOT CLICKING THE BUTTON! Uh-Oh. Play this game, which only includes one button, but whatever you do, don't press it.
This free online game offers you a big round red button that you can't push. You just have to respect one simple rule: Don't press the button. I AM THAT BUTTON! Why do you keep pushing me? Warning: There Is a nuclear bomb set to go off near you. Don't Press The Button Don't Press The Button is a game that will test your patience with a very fun story to offer. All you can do to stop them is make text change on a screen. Some giant that is bigger and smarter beyond your imagination keeps bullying you. Which one is it? Imagine you are a button. That's why I'm telling you not to push the button. I'm just warning you that there is no grand finale or prize at the end. You gain neither power or knowledge from clicking the button. An unregistered player played the game 2 weeks ago An unregistered player played the game 3 weeks.

Your friend asked you to look after a fish she has in this blender Who puts a goldfish in a blen >yawn< nevermind and what in the world can happen with a fish. This online quiz is called dont push the red button. I'm going to become president and make a law against pushing green buttons. And do not press the button under any circumstances.

GameSpot may get a commission from retail offers. Reddits April Fools Day joke, known as The Button, is several days old, and yet people cant seem to stop toying with it. I called the cops, and they're coming to stop you from pushing the button. 1 day ago &0183 &32 Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed. STOP PUSHING THE BUTTON!!! Do I have to translate it to Spanish? No presione el buton.
What if I told you that clicking the button will give you a virus? Just kidding, I would never download a virus on your computer. Doesn't that make you want to stop pushing the button? Are you seriously bored to the point that you have to sit here and push a boring green button? Maybe if I used reverse phycology on you, you will stop. DID YOU REALLY JUST PUSH THE BUTTON? What if I told you that every time you push the button a kitten is killed? If I told you that, I would be lying.