I find myself sharing screen captures and recordings often.

Flux is an app that automatically adapts to the time of the day, adjusting the color temperature of your screen from the standard bright blue to a warm tone at night, taking the strain off your eyes.
This is due to all the blue light coming from our mac and the strain on your eyes during the night. Sometimes we work late, and when we do our eyes can get tired pretty quickly and when it’s time to head to bed we can’t sleep. It does a whole bunch of other stuff too but haven’t fully explored it. When you are dealing with a bunch of windows, you can just drag a window to the side of your screen and it will perfectly split your screen in 1/2, or 1/4s etc.
I’ll admit, I do not use this to its full capacity, I mainly use it for just splitting my screen. Faster and easier than going to or using photoshop or sketch addons. Good for when doing design work, you can select how many characters, sentences, or paragraphs of Lipsum you want to copy to your clipboard. As you can just copy, copy, copy, paste, paste, paste away. This app allows you to keep multiple copies to your clipboard and you can select which you want to paste. When doing web development edits I find I am copying and pasting a lot, color codes, snippets, etc. This is probably one of my favorites, and relates to the above app (get plain text). So when you copy, you can click a button and then paste it all as perfectly formatted plain text. Don’t you hate it when you copy text from an email, or website and when you paste it all the formatting comes with it? This simple tool clears all formatting from your clipboard. If you’re like me, you copy and paste a lot. I have tried a few others, that do various things but when testing ImageOptim still does the best job of reducing file size without ruining image quality. I find ImageOptim is the best image compression app out there, it works great for. If your working for the web, compressing images is huge. We all know about google drive, but not everyone knows there is a desktop app that works just like dropbox. This also allows you to easily access your files from anywhere. If you do, having the Google Drive app is a great way to keep all your files secure and backed up. It seems these days most designers and developers use google business apps.

I use all of these on a daily basis, most of these are free, and the ones that are paid are well worth it. These apps mostly relate to those doing design or development work but I feel they could benefit any OSX user. I’ve been using a Mac for about 10 years now, and over the years have found some apps I can’t live without.